Ammonite Euhoploceras (sonninia) modestum

Ammonite Euhoploceras (sonninia) modestum

$1 890 Add to cart


Sherborne, England
Specimen size:
Diameter 20 cm (7.87")
Overall size:
21*20,5*5 cm (8.27*8.07*1.97")
160 mln years
Specimen weight:
2,7 kg (5.95 lbs)


The ammonite from the genus Euhoploceras from the south coast of England will delight any fossil connoisseur. The shell of the ammonite is slender, disk-shaped, placed on a natural stone matrix. What draws attention is the front edge of the shell, which was once in contact with the living cell of the shell. The protrusion, which resembles a plant leaf, is a lobed line, cleaned and free of mineral deposits. This line is the edge of the internal partition, which has a very complex shape. Such partitions are located inside the whole spiral of the shell, giving it greater strength. From the outside, the joints between the partitions and the shell walls look like a plant ornament.

Certificate of authenticity

Ко всем аммонитам прилагается иллюстрированный сертификат, который станет прекрасным дополнением к окаменелости, купленной в подарок.

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Однако аммониты не относятся к категории окаменелостей, в которой есть риск покупки подделки. Некоторые образцы лишь могут иметь незначительный процент реставрации.

При желании может быть сделана независимая экспертиза.

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