Sea lily (crinoidea)

Sea lily (crinoidea)

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Holzmaden, Germany
Overall size:
160*85*2 cm (62.99*33.46*0.79")
180 mln years


Seirocrinus subangularis belongs to crinoids group (sea lilies), one of the most amazing inhabitants of the sea. The bare scientific fact that this is a species of the echinoderm type does not convey the beauty of this creature in any way. These sea lilies chose tree fragments, which the currents carried away from the coasts of the islands, as their habitants.

A thin sea lily stem attached to this woody debris, while the fringed tentacle arms of these sea inhabitants opened like flowers to catch particles of plankton. Sea lilies seemed to soar on the very edge between the sky and the depth of the sea.

Today, their fossilized remains are among the best works of art created by nature itself.

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