Fish Notogoneus osculus

Fish Notogoneus osculus

$2 690 Add to cart


Green River, Wyoming, USA
Specimen size:
26.5 cm (10.5")
Overall size:
39.5*26 cm (10.25*15.5")
48-53 mln years


Notogoneus osculus is a representative of the ancient order of sandfishes (Gonorynchiformes). Modern relatives of Notogoneus can be found in the tropical zone of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as in rivers and lakes of Africa. In the past, however, the habitat area of these fish was wider and included North America.

About 50 million years ago, the area of the future state of Wyoming was home to a system of three large lakes surrounded by dense forests. These lakes were habitats for many fish, crocodiles, turtles, and birds. Silt saturated with calcium carbonate preserved animal skeletons in perfect condition, turning them into excellent quality fossils. The lakes are now the site of the Green River Geological Formation, and the limestone tiles with fish are its hallmark. Indeed, one of the valuable findings is the complete skeleton of the fish Notogoneus osculus.

Notogoneus was a small fish with an elongated body, rounded head and small mouth. Like its modern relatives, it tended to stay near the bottom, favoring sandy and silted areas. Notogenus fed on soft bottom-dwelling animals, such as worms, insect larvae and shellfish with thin shells. Pharyngeal teeth were used to crush the shells.

The skeleton of the fish Notogoneus osculus is nearly perfectly preserved. The thin vertebrae, ribs, fin bones, and skull bones are intact. This is an excellent specimen that can be used as a private museum exhibit or framed and turned into a stylish element of home decor.

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