Ammonite Lytoceras sp.
- Found:
- Mahajanga, Madagascar
- Genus:
- Lytoceras
- Specimen size:
- Diameter 12,6 cm (4.96")
- Age:
- 100-113 mln years
- Specimen weight:
- 886 g (31.25 oz)
- Period:
- Cretaceous
The magnificent ammonite Lytoceras looks like a piece of jewelry from the god of the sea, Poseidon. In spite of its somewhat massive shell, these cephalopods were excellent swimmers and hunted in the water column for a long time, from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous periods.
The large, heavy whorls of the shell carry a pattern of light cross sections and tree-like lobed lines. The color of the shell varies harmoniously from brown to olive colors. If you turn the ammonite shell at a certain angle to the source of light, its surface will brighten with rainbow iridescence.