Dryosaurus sp. skeleton

Dryosaurus sp. skeleton

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Moffat County, Colorado, USA
Specimen size:
length 3 meters
145-152 mln years


The length of the skeleton of this individual reaches 3 m, while the weight during the lifespan was about 70-80 kg. It was a nimble graceful animal with long legs. Interestingly, no skeletons of adult dryosaurs have been found. All known specimens are either juveniles (like ours) or babies.

The dryosaurus ate plant foods. There was a horny beak on its muzzle, like the one of a bird, and the teeth were adapted for grinding hard fibers. However, it is quite possible that dryosaurs could eat small animals. Still, much more often, dryosaurs themselves became the object of hunting of such predators as allosaurus. Fast running was the only defense of the dryosaurs.

During the Jurassic period, the dryosaurus and related species inhabited the fern savannas and forests on the area from the Rocky Mountains in the west of North America to the territory of the future France. At that time, the Atlantic Ocean was still a shallow inland sea, and it was possible to pass from Europe to America through Greenland without getting your feet wet.

Despite the prevalence of dryosaurs, there are few complete skeleton findings. Most of them are skulls, separate limbs and incomplete skeletons. The preservation of this skeleton is more than 80%, which is a rarity and makes it a valuable collector's item.

This skeleton is located in the US and is available for pre-order.

Certificate of authenticity

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