Triceratops prorsus skull

Triceratops prorsus skull

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Hell Creek, USA
about 66 mln years


Before you is a huge 2-meter Triceratops skull discovered in the famous Hell Creek Formation. The discovery was made in 2013 on a ranch in northwestern South Dakota. Due to weathering, the upper layers of the rock were destroyed, and part of the petrified dinosaur eye socket appeared on the surface.

The preservation of the skull turned out to be quite high, about 55%, if considering the bone material, and up to 70% by weight. Unlike most similar findings, the bones of the skull remained almost in the same position in which they were buried more than 65 million years ago. Among intravital pathologies - traces of damage to the right superciliary and nasal horns. Apparently, the life of the Triceratops was not easy.

The fossil material itself is of excellent quality. The surface of the specimen has a dark brown patina characteristic of iron-rich deposits. The mineral composition is stable and has no traces of "pyrite disease" Stability is enhanced by special impregnating solutions, which ensure the preservation of the fossil in the future.

Taking into account the uniqueness of the finding, the decision was made not to restore the missing part, but to leave the skull almost in the same form in which it was discovered. The exhibition stand allows you to place the dinosaur skull on the wall for particularly impressive display.

Certificate of authenticity

Ко всем окаменелостям динозавров прилагается иллюстрированный сертификат, который станет прекрасным дополнением к окаменелости, купленной в подарок.

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