Triceratops horridus skull

Triceratops horridus skull

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Hell Creek, USA
Specimen size:
2,43 m * 1,57 m (95.67*61.81")
about 66 mln years


Triceratops skull found in the Hell Creek Formation, Montana, USA. The specimen belonged to a large individual of Triceratops, about 7 m long and weighing about 8-10 tons. As a rule, the skull occupies a third of the total length of the animal. The dimensions of the skull are 2.43 m by 1.57 m.

The preservation of the fossil is high, even in the area of relatively fragile nasal bones and elements of the lower jaw. The surface preserves the natural relief of the bone, including the porosity and attachment points of the masticatory muscles. An extensive network of blood vessels is clearly visible on the collar of a dinosaur.

Triceratops, one of the classic dinosaurs, was discovered in 1889 and remains one of the five most recognizable ancient animals.

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