Allosaurus skull

Allosaurus skull

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Morrison Formation, Wyoming, USA
145-157 mln years


Allosaurus is a large dinosaur that lived at the end of the Jurassic period, 155 - 145 million years ago. These predators were widespread; their remains are found in North America, Europe and East Africa.

The average size of the Allosaurus is about 8 m with a weight at 1.5-2 tons, although some individuals could reach up to 11 m. The maximum skull size is 85 cm. The skull’s construction is lightweight, with large bone "windows". The teeth directed backwards have a serrated edge, which allows them to hold prey. Thanks to the flexible neck, the Allosaurus could tear pieces of meat from prey by rotating its head. Bony ridges above the eyes form outgrowths that look like small horns.

Perhaps they used to protect the eye or had a demonstrative value. Allosaurus is a classic dinosaur known since the 19th century. Fossils of this level are highly exclusive objects. The purchase of a skull and even a whole skeleton of an Allosaurus is possible by prior order.

Certificate of authenticity

Ко всем окаменелостям динозавров прилагается иллюстрированный сертификат, который станет прекрасным дополнением к окаменелости, купленной в подарок.

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