Allosaurus sp. tooth

Allosaurus sp. tooth

$6 290 Add to cart


Utah, USA
Overall size:
7,8*5,5*2,7 cm (3.07*2.17*1.06")
145-157 mln years
Total weight:
93,9 g (3.31 oz)


A magnificent tooth of an Allosaurus, one of the most dangerous predators of the Jurassic period.

The tooth is large and well preserved. About two-thirds of the length of the tooth account for the. The cross section of the tooth is elliptical, along the outer edge there is a sawtooth edge. It has an unusual black color combined with gray shades. This is perhaps the most beautiful Allosaurus tooth we have ever had.

Allosaurus was one of the largest predators of the Jurassic period and had an average length of 8.5 m. Meanwhile, the findings of large fragments of the skeleton indicate that some individuals could reach to 12 m. Allosaurs preferred large prey, attacking even giant sauropods.

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