Tyrannosaurus tooth

Tyrannosaurus tooth

$5 590 Add to cart


Hell Creek, USA
Specimen size:
3,5 cm (1.38")
66 mln years
Specimen weight:
10 g (0.35 oz)


Royal Tyrannosaurus - perhaps the most famous dinosaur in the world. The enormous size and ferocity made the predator the star of the screen after the "Jurassic Park" movie came out.

With a length of 12 meters, Tyrannosaurus weighed about 9.5 tons, making it one of the largest land predators in history. It was at the top of the food chain, hunting hadrosaurs in swamp forests and stalking long-necked sauropods in arid plains.

The strength of the Tyrannosaurus bite is unbelievable. With its jagged teeth, it could crush the bones of the victim and tear even large prey to pieces.

We bring to your attention a real tooth of a tyrannosaurus rex with well-preserved serrations. It can be both a great gift and an addition to your personal collection.

Certificate of authenticity

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